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man Montagu Douglas Scott, Andrew * ‎13 jul 1906 † ‎24 jan 1971
man Montagu Douglas Scott, Charles William Henry 4th Duke of Buccleuch. 6th Duke of Queensberry Earl of Dalkeith. X Harriet Kathrine Townshend * ‎24 mei 1772 * Londen, Middlesex, Engeland † ‎20 apr 1819 † Lissabon, Portugal
man Montagu Douglas Scott, Herbert Andrew X Marie Josephine Agnes Edwards * ‎30 nov 1872 * Montagu House, Londen, Engeland † ‎17 jun 1944 † Martyr Worthy, Hampshire, Engeland
woman Montagu Douglas Scott, Marian 1e X Andrew Henry Ferguson, 2e X Thomas Elmhurst * ‎16 jun 1908 † ‎11 dec 1996
woman Montagu Douglas Scott, Patricia Katherine * ‎9 okt 1910 † ‎3 dec 2012
man Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter Francis 5th Duke of Buccleuch 7th Duke of Queensberry. X Charlotte Ann Thynne * ‎25 nov 1806 * Dalkeith, Midlothian, Schotland † ‎16 apr 1884 † Bowhill, Selkirkshire, Schotland
man Montagu Douglas Scott, William Henry Walter 6th Duke of Buccleuch X Louisa Jane Hamilton * ‎9 sep 1831 * Montagu House, Londen, Engeland † ‎5 nov 1914 † Montagu House, Londen, Engeland